Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Thank You Rudz Bro

Rudz Bro
As the Pucking Files enters a time of transition for the first time, Mr. Hirohito and I would like to take the time to thank its long time editor & chief, Mr. Rudz Bro. For years I worked in the Pucking Files backroom editing posts and filling (Irish) coffee orders for Rudz Bro and I marveled at his ability to seamlessly blend the facts of each breaking news story with his own sense of humor. From the capture of Moe Rudz by North Korean forces to your award winning coverage of the Black Ice tournament you have made us laugh and cry. I know I speak for the entire office when I say that the Pucking Files will miss you and we wish you nothing, but the best in your future endeavors. The Pucking Files raises its glass for a toast to one of the all-time greats, cheers to you Rudz Bro!