Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Cup Returns

Lord Stanley's cup has returned to the Capitol City after a long absence. Dunc "Coach" Walsh grabbed the cup from Claude Julian's fingers as the Bruin's coach dozed along with the rest of the team on the airplane. Walsh then parachuted (with Lord Stanley)out of the airplane as it taxied over Logan Airport early this morning. Philby was waiting on the ground in the get-away car for Dunc's landing just north of Medford. Bruin's officails are still scratching their heads trying to figure out what happened. Coach Walsh recieved a phone call just minutes ago from Terry Francona who congradulated "Coach" Walsh for his accomplishment and added that he will definitely be up for Dunc's induction into the "NH Legends of Hockey" ceremony this coming winter.

Coach and Philby have promised to get the Cup back to Boston for their parade. When Julien found out about the prank from Francona he laughed and said, "That Dunc is a piece of work!" He then added, "Let those Thursday Night guys enjoy it for a bit, afterall, they are the model of excellence that we looked to when we were building this team." The parade in Concord starts at noon today in front of the state house and it will wind it's way down Gilmore Street.

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