Sunday, April 22, 2012

Gun Show Fiasco

The Doug held it's annual Gun Show ,but FBI agents were alerted by a city employee (who asked not to be named for fear of his life) who saw something taking place near the zamboni entrance that "smelled of trouble". A delivery type truck backed up to the zamboni door and four men got out and began loading a massive amount of guns into the vehicle. In a matter of minutes, the truck pulled away and would have gone unnoticed except for the keen observation skills of the unnamed arena employee. He told The Pucking Files, " I noticed a figure lurking about who looked familiar even though he was wearing sun glasses. Suddenly it donned on me. That's Hassan Bin Sobar from the Gilmore St. mosque." He called the police who quickly alerted the FBI. By the time authorities arrived, Bin Sobar and his stash of weapons were nowhere to be found. The gun dealer (who is not being named at this time)said that he had done nothing illegal buy selling to the man. "He was very persuasive and paid in cash", he told The Pucking Files. "Didn't you think it was suspicious that he purchased such a large amount of guns, knives and hand grenades?", we asked. "He said that he was an avid duck hunter and I believed him. He had an honest face", the dealer replied.
The FBI raided the mosque the following day and found this cachet of weapons which they confiscated much to the displeasure of Hassan Bin Sobar. Bin Sobar has filed a law suit against the FBI for "harrasment". "As an American Citizen (he has dual citizenship) I have the right to buy what ever I need to duck hunt", he told the Pucking Files. "They broke into my house of worship without a warrant and they did not read me my rights and did not let me finish my bud light." Bin Sobar was released from jail two hours later after his attorney Boyd Screwem paid the ten thousand dollar bail. The Pucking Files were able to obtain this photo of the confiscated weapons stockpile.
The pucking files will keep you updated on any further developments regarding this case. Stay tuned.

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