Sunday, June 16, 2013

All Tied Up!

The Bruins tied the series last night with a thrilling OT victory in Chicago. Claude Julien told the Pucking Files, "We dedicated this game to Moe Rudz". "He means so much to our organization and to hockey around the world." "If we win the Cup, we're are going to petition to get Moe's name on it". "He is actually Lord Stanely's bastard great grandson which most people are not aware of."
"We are hoping for his safe return".
Moe being kicked in the head by guard. Ouch!
The rescue team organized by Joe "Joe" Farrelly met at Joe's house yesterday to go over the final details before they part for the Korean pennisula next week. "We have been training hard for the past few weeks and we are waiting for clearance from the Pentagon to proceed with "Operation Moe". We know he is alive because he was able to sneak this drawing to us from the prison camp with the help of some South Korean freedom fighters.  The drawing is very disturbing and it makes it quite clear that time is of the essence", said Farrelly. "I am confident that the guys we have choosen for this mission have only two things on their minds; Getting Moe back alive and watching the Stanley Cup finals. Nothing else matters to them". "Well, maybe a third thing.They also want to see  Miss Massachusetts mud wrestle Miss Illinois. They are only human after all".

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