Saturday, August 23, 2014

Heads Up

Reports have been circulating that former publisher Moe Rudz was killed by head hunters in Borneo. Moe Rudz sold his controlling shares of The Pucking Files earlier this summer to pursue a career in etymology. He headed to Borneo to start a new life. It appears that his life has been cut short by a head hunter. Adventurer Montana Johnson made contact with the Watdafuka tribe in the jungles of Borneo. They showed Johnson a shrunken head believed to be that of Moe Rudz. Johnson purchased the artifact for a pair of tweezers and a George Brett baseball card. He brought the head back to England where it is being examined by experts from the Royal Academy of Asswipes.
Moe's brother Mark told The Pucking Files that he lost all contact with Moe in early July. "Moe no longer picks up my phone calls or returns my emails. I begun to think that foul play was involved. It just wasn't like Moe not to call", he said. Doctors at the Academy believe that it could be Moe, but, no exact identification has been made thus far. Everyone in the hockey world is holding their collective breath. Is this the last we'll hear from Moe? Is it curtains for Moe Rudz? Stayed tuned. In other news; Dan Early was traded to Green. It is the 92nd time in his career that he has played for Green. Also, it is being reported that Dave Masinek is STILL missing!

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