Friday, October 31, 2014

Can Blue Be Stopped? Will Walsh be Traded?

Dunc "Coach" Walsh skating the river.
The NAHL faithful were out in full force Thursday night at “The Doug” anticipating a tight game between Blue and Green after they traded blowouts in their first two meetings of the young 2014-15 season.  Blue fans were delighted as Blue came out flying from the opening faceoff.  Dave “JP” Palisi scored 3 quick goals from the Green blue line to put Blue in the lead and they never looked back. Ken “Don’t Ya Love Em Madly” Bradley kept the Green shooters at bay making some acrobatic saves on several shots from inside the hashmarks. Green’s forwards were frustrated for most of two periods before Brian “The Older Tilly” Tillotson broke Bradley’s shutout bid late in the second period. The final score was Blue 10 Green 2. George “Dumpin “ Chase led a very strong Blue defense to a very easy victory and Jim “Big Cum” Commerford was very strong offensively for Blue. Green coach Tom “Painch” Painchaud was overheard mumbling “Green cannot continue to play inconsistent hockey and expect to compete for the NAHL championship” on his way to the locker room. One interesting note was the healthy scratch of Blue forward Duncan "Coach" Walsh whose name has been at the forefront of trade speculation after a slow start to the season. We will continue to monitor this developing situation throughout the season.

In other NAHL action Copper maintains first place with an 8-3 victory over Mauve and Magenta defeated Clear 7-4.

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