Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Return of Harry

Tonight marked the return of Tom "Harry" Harrison between the pipes. Harry had planned his return for earlier in the season, but the date was postponed after a hamstring injury that he suffered at the Harvest. Harry split time with Kenny Dean and Harry's presence may have rattled "Dino" who was off his game. Harry played early but choose to take off the pads and enjoy a nice cold Bud Light. " He looks composed", said speedy forward Andy Barkman as he watched Harry sip the Bud Light. "We should have given him a little more defensive help", said George "Dumpin" Chase who was converted into a defenseman after the retirement of Vic Stanfield. Blue was back on their heels from the opening faceoff, giving up two goals in the first shift to the TTC line of Todd, Tilly and Clint. The only time Blue got out of their zone was to face off following the two goals. MOST of the Blue players didn't give up and kept chipping away at the lead but the TTC proved too much in the third period and Green ran away with it. When asked about how many goals he scored, Tilly said, " I wasn't really keeping track but it was probably somewhere around two or nine." For his effort he was given the game chair.
In case you missed it last night, Brownie put together another great event with the unveiling of Black Ice Ale. Brownie finally met someone bigger than him; the Black Ice Polar Bear.
Following up on the Philby dog fighting scandal;It turns out that only one of the dogs was a pit bull. It is rumored that rappper Tim Walsh a.k.a "Ice T",a.k.a "Little Coach" was bringing under age girls to the dog fights and he too may face charges and a possible suspension from the Black Ice Tournament.
The date is set for the trial of The White's Pond Duo. It is January 18th at the court house on Clinton St. It is estimated that reporters from as many as twelve different nations will be on hand to cover the trial. We hope Thursday Nighters will be there to lend support to their fallen brothers. Look for the upper coming Black Ice Rosters and all the picks by Jimmy "The Geek".

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