Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Free to Go!

After hours of deliberation a federal court judge acquitted The White Pond Duo of all charges. Mike "Fake Hip" Farrelly and Mark "Rudz" Ruddy were accompanied by Thursday Night Players Union representative Joe "Joe" Farrelly as they exited the federal courthouse. Thousands of reporters awaited them on the courthouse steps clammering for an interview. Speaking on behalf of the Duo, Joe Farrelly spoke to a reporter from The Hockey News and said, "Our guys were confident that justice would be served. They just want to put this all behind them now and go back to their normal lives. They want to put their focus soley on winning the Black Ice tournament next season. That is all we have to say at this moment." The three pushed their way through the crowd and got into a limo parked on the street driven by Dunc "Coach" Walsh. They will be releasing a statement later in the week which The Pucking Files will be bringing you as soon as it is available.

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