Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Legends of Hockey: "The Older We Get, The Better We Were"

The New Hampshire Legends of Hockey hosted it's annual golf tournament last week and the Pucking Files were there to cover this spectacular event.

It was announced that this year's induction ceremony will be held in Concord at the Grappone Center on October 30th. Ironically two of the players being inducted are from Thursday Night Hockey which will be hosting their first Legends of Thursday Night Hockey Hall of Fame ceremoney just three days prior on October 27th immdiately following a classic showdown between arch rivals Blue and Green at "the Doug". The league let it be known that four people will recieve the honor, but decided to keep it a secret until the day of the big event. The New Hampshire Legends made their announcement already that they have already accepted Thursday Nighters Ryan Brandt and Dunc Walsh as honorees. A spokesman for Thursday Night Hockey admitted that they felt it was still a bit premature to vote on these two when they are just now getting into the prime of their careers. "Certainly they are very good players, but, are they Thursday Hall of Fame good?", said Jimmy the Geek who is a board member with a vote. "I'm not saying they will or will not get in", said Ray "Lame" Duckler of the Concord Monitor (not a voting member). All I know is that you should mark your calenders for October 27th Legends of Thursday Night Hockey, October 31rst Legends of NH Hockey and October 31rst Halloween Bash at the Gilmore Street Mosque.

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