Saturday, August 6, 2011

Startling Find During "Doug" Renovation

When construction workers jackhammered through the old concrete floor of the Everett Arena they made a grizzly discovery. Concord Police were called down to the Douglas N. Everett Arena on Loudon Rd. on wednesday when a construction worker found what appeared to be human remains buried under the concrete floor. The FBI was quickly brought in and by friday DNA testing concluded that the skeletal remains found were those of Jimmy Hoffa the former Teamster President who was last seen in July of 1975.
"We don't know how he got there or why, but, we do know it is definitely Jimmy Hoffa", said FBI agent Gary Sibly. "It's been kind of crazy around here the past few days", said Dunc "Coach" Walsh, a city employee who was working at the Doug during the discovery. To compound the situation, city officials have sheepishly admitted that another man may now be feared buried under the new croncrete floor that was poured on thursday. Former Thursday Night Hockey player Dave Maznek is missing and only his shoe was found just a few feet away from the newly poured floor. Mr. Maznek who is often missing was hanging around the Doug that morning taking photos which he claimed were for his "facebook page". Construction workers asked him several times to back away which Mr. Maznek apparently did, but he would eventually end up right back near the area where the concrete was being poured. "No one actually saw him fall in, however he was suddenly gone and all we found was his left shoe", said Dunc Walsh. Police called Mr. Maznek's wife who said that he hadn't shown up at home that night, although she was not too worried because she claimed he did that sort of thing all the time. A spokesperson from the Players Association confirmed that Maznek would often go missing for months at a time. "He would always pay his Player's Union Fees on time ,but he would never show up for practice or games", said Joe "Joe" Farrelly, the Head of the Player's Union. GM Gary "Toe" Blake finally told Maznek to: "take some time off and decide what you want to do with your life". He hasn't been back since then, yet he still mails in his annual dues to the Player's Union. "We are not going to increase city taxes to tear up the new floor for one guy who may not even be under there", said a city official. So, as one mystery is solved, another mystery is born. It "remains" to be seen if "the Doug" serves as a final resting place for a former hockey player. It won't be the first time a hockey player's career gets buried at the Doug.

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