Friday, November 18, 2011

Horseplay! Blue Gallops Past Green

Green scored early, but Blue scored often on their way to a convincing victory that landed them alone atop the league standings. Defending champs Green dropped down into third place as Yellow moved up into second with their win over Maroon earlier in the evening. "We were thoroughly out played all night long", said a disappointed Coach Toe Blake. Last year's MVP, Dunc "Coach" Walsh got Blue on the scoreboard to knot it up at one apiece. "It was the first time he looked comfortable out there since he donned his visor", said his centerman Tom "Philby" Philbrick who led Blue with six points. Philby earned first star honors with Jeff "Kano" Kane and Phil "Commish" Stewart named second and third stars of the game. Last night's game debuted "helmovision" technology which provided fans around the world a player's view of the intensity of the world's greatest league. "It's UNBELIEVABLE!" "AWEFULly good hockey!", said one fan. The technology was the brainchild of billionaire publisher Moe Rudz who's funding made it possible to broadcast via satellite world wide. Moe was not there however to view the historic broadcast. He was in Happy Valley where he just donated a new zamboni for the Nittany Lions hockey team which is now vying to be the number one sport in Happy Valley. "We are going in a new direction", said a school spokesperson. "We are even thinking of changing the name from Nittany Lions to the Pink Panthers.

Moe's visit was two-fold as it is rumored that he is financing the new documentary film "Horseplay" which focuses on one player's journey from a high school tight end to a college wide receiver. "It shows the commitment to excellence that is the back bone of the program", said Franco Harris, the unemployed former Penn State running back.

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