Friday, December 9, 2011

The Big Dig

After listening to testimony from both sides, Judge Judy from the popular tv show The People's Court" made her ruling on the White Park excavation debate. Judge Judy sided with the Black Ice Pond Hockey Tournament over the Museum of Natural History and granted the Black Ice group permission to dredge the pond to make room for two more hockey rinks. Mayor Jim Boulay told The Pucking Files, "We are delighted with the judge's ruling. The Black Ice Pond Hockey Tournament is a huge boost to the Capitol City in tough economic times. Without this tournament we could end up the next Berlin." The Museum of Natural History's case was full of holes. Dr. Squeeky's findings were questionable to many scientists who read his report. The city hired Dr. Howard and Dr. Fine to conduct their own DNA test which contradicted Dr. Squeeky's findings. They said that Dr. Squeeky was "way off" in dating the remains. Dr. Howard and Fine's report said that the body was no way near four hundred years old, nor was the ethnicity native american. "We found the body to have been in the pond for no more than eleven months and it is a middle-aged male caucasian. Concord detectives then searched their files for missing persons from that time period and came up with a match. It was determined that the body was that of Dave Masinick. "It appears that Mr. Masinick had been out on the pond preparing for his come-back for Thursday Night Hockey. Mr. Masinick refused an interview with The Pucking Files to confirm the story. So the excavation is underway and temperatures are expected to drop this week. Things are looking up for Black Ice.
In case you hadn't heard; Blue defeated Green last night to extend their lead in the Eastern Conference of the NAHL. Blue's unit of "Tilly", "Coach", "Philby", "Silky" and "Joe" were given the first star of the game and Kenny "Don't Ya Love Em Madley" Bradley was awarded the second star for the thirty saves he made on Clint "Eastwood" Casavaugh. Jim "Heathy" Heath was the third star. Green coach Gary "Toe" Blake is on the hot seat. It is rumored that he and super star Tom "Berg" Bergault are not getting along. "Berg" did not even register a shot on goal last night. "I need the damn puck!", exclaimed Berg. "If "Blakey" wants me to score then he'd better put me with guys who will pass me the #*!$* puck or me." Green is in dire need of a win. It doesn't help that Jim "Cummy" Commerford is still out of the line up. He remains in Concord Hospital and is still listed a "stable".

In other news in the hockey world; the Winter Classic in Philadelphia is less than a month away. The Rangers and Flyers both revealed their team uniforms for the upcoming event. The Rangers went with a traditional old school look while the Flyer's went with something well- suited to the nippy weather of january.

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