Thursday, December 1, 2011

Comeback Kids (but who?)

It all seemed to be going Blue's way in the first period and a half. First place Blue built up a five to one lead and seemed to be running on cruise control when things got ugly. Green winger Jim "Cummy" Commerford (pictured all smiles on the Green bench) was on the wrong end of a blind side hit from Blue defenseman Chris "Brownie" Brown that left the speedy winger unconscious in a heap at mid ice. Green enforcer Jim "Heathy" Heath went after Brownie and the two heavy weights squared off. Both benches emptied and an old fashioned "donnybrook" ensued. Cummy was carted off on stretcher and Brownie was pelted with debris from the Green fans. The hit must have fired up Green because they stormed back and grabbed a seven to six lead over Blue with just minutes to go. Blue was back on their heels as they were pinned in their own zone for most of the third period. However, with less than a minute in regulation "Brownie" Brown unleashed a monster slap shot that Green netminder Tom "Harry" Harrison made a spectacular save on, but the rebound went to Blue centerman Tom "Philby" Philbrick who made a nifty pass to his winger Tom "Berg" Bergault who buried the biscuit just before time ran out. Boos rang down from the Green crowd and Blue was pelted with more debris. The tie moved Green into second place ahead of Yellow who was idle last night. Green coach Gary "Toe" Blake said, "We are going to get the league to look closely at the hit on Cummy and we hope they will take action against Brown". Cummerford was taken to Concord Hospital and is listed as "stable". Tom "Philby" Philbrick was named first star of the game. He led all scorers with three goals and two assists. Dave "Tilly" Tillotson was named the number two star. He had two goals and two assists. And Dan "Too Late" Early was named number three star for making the beer run.
No more news has been reported of the discovery of "the pond man" in White's Park pond and booth city and state officials are tight lipped for now. However, these two photos look eerily similar.

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