Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Game On! Black Ice 2 Begins Friday

Black Ice officials made the call today and it's all systems go. The second annual Black Ice Pond Hockey Championships begin this friday morning at 9 a.m. The opening ceremony has been moved ahead one hour in case the prediction for a warm afternoon comes to fruition. There is a possible stoppage around mid day depending on temperatures and ice conditions and then games may resume again closer towards evening. It will be a game time decision. Stay tuned for any scheduling changes. Cold weather is predicted to return friday night and the rest of the weekend looks great for ice. One possible change on friday afternoon if warm weather thaws things out is fan mud wrestling.

Without much snow cover, warm temperatures friday could be ideal for fans to get down and dirty! Don't forget friday night's fireworks show immediately following the last hockey game of the evening. The Black Ice Ale will be flowing in downtown Concord all weekend long. It's going to be a great weekend for sure.

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