As promised The Pucking Files is pleased to present Part II of Moe's Adventure.
As we remember, Moe was about to be devoured by an enormous crocodile when suddenly the large beast was harpooned with a large spear. The croc rolled over and over trying to free itself from the spear that was imbedded just behind it's head. As it rolled, it was coiling itself in rope that was attached to the harpoon. Moe could not believe his eyes. Blood spurted from the monster and Moe's eye's followed the rope to it's source. There he saw a canoe filled with beautiful aboriginal women that were wearing next to nothing. The woman in the front had the rope in her hands and several others helped her subdue the crocodile. Soon the beast bled out and the women cut the rope and the beast floated upside down. The women paddled the dug-out canoe to Moe who was too exhausted to react. They pulled him up into the canoe. He lay in the bottom of the canoe and the women paddled back towards shore. When they reached the shore several of them grabbed Moe by the arms and yanked Moe out of the canoe and dragged him up onto the beach. Many other women had come down to the shore to witness the sight. They were yelling in a language unfamiliar to Moe. They carried spears and other weapons and Moe began to realize that they were hostile. One of them seemed to be in charge. She appeared to be yelling orders to the others. "She's extremely beautiful for a woman", Moe thought. She leaned over to have a closer look at Moe who was still too exhausted to stand up. Her large brown breast dangled in Moe's face. Suddenly, she pulled out a knife and cut the shirt right off of Moe. He began to fear for his life once again. "Are they going to kill me?", he thought. The woman in charge pointed the knife at Moe's crotch and then cut off Moe's pants. The women all began to yell what sounded like a war whoop. "Are they going to cut off my johnson?", he wondered. They grabbed Moe by the arms and lifted him to his feet. He was now wearing nothing but his hiking boots and socks. They bound his hands with some rope and led him into the jungle. Moments later he entered a clearing that had many grass huts. Here, they tied another rope around Moe's neck and they tied the other end to a post in the center of the village. The savage women gathered around and what seemed to be a great debate ensued. The chief seemed to be the one that the other women were directing their comments to. After several minutes, the talking stopped and the chief and the others turned their gaze upon Moe. Moe was full of worry as the women approached him. The chief grabbed Moe by the hair and yanked his head up. She stared straight into his eyes. Although she was attractive (for a woman), she was also very intimidating. She grabbed more of Moe's hair with the other hand and pulled Moe's head to her crotch. Moe was face to face with a savage pussy. She said some kind of a command and pulled harder on Moe's hair. Moe realized that she wanted oral sex from him. Fearing for his life, Moe began to perform the task he was faced with even though it was foreign to him. The chief began to moan and Moe realized that he must be doing something right because she relaxed her grip on his scalp. Finally, the chief tugged Moe's hair as she let out a long moan of ectasy and all the other female savages began to yell their war whoop. Moe had managed to spare his own life for the time being. The chief walked away from Moe and another woman took her place. It became evident to Moe that his task was not complete. Woman after woman took their turn with Moe. His tongue soon became raw. It went on for hours until, finally around sunset,the last of the savages had been satisfied. They left Moe tied to the stake while the women made dinner. They roasted the crocodile on the fire. One of the woman brought Moe a piece of crocodile meat. It tasted terrible, but Moe was so hungry, he ate it anyway. Moe slept on the ground that night. The following morning Moe was awakened by the sound of the women who seemed to be in a heightened state. He then noticed a small airplane circling overhead. Most of the women ran from the village down a path in the jungle. Several of the savage babes stayed behind to guard Moe. He could hear the airplane's engine as it disappeared below the tree line. About twenty minutes later, the women began to appear back in the village carrying boxes. Soon after Moe caught sight of the chief, who was accompanied by two white men with smiles on their faces. One of the men was speaking the native language of the tribe. The women seemed to be in a festive mood. Not long after, Moe heard the sound of drums. It seemed that some sort of ceremony was taking place. The men seemed to be offering the women gifts. The men came closer to the center of the village where Moe was bound to the stake. One of the men looked oddly familiar to Moe. The two approached Moe and looked at him. The translator spoke to the chief. They smiled. Suddenly it donned on Moe who the familiar looking grey haired man was. It was former president Bill Clinton. "Mr. President!", Moe blurted. He smiled and said, "No, but I get that a lot". Moe recognized his voice. This had to be Bill Clinton. "My name is Frank", he said, "Frank Wiener. Pleased to meet you." Moe knew the man was lying which made him even more sure that it was Clinton. He decided that he'd better not press the issue because these men may be his only chance at getting out of this predicament. "You've got yourself in quite a situation here", said Frank. "The ladies have big plans for you fella, you lucky dog.", he added."What do you mean?" asked Moe. "You are going to have more sex than any guy, other than me, could possibly imagine", Frank answered. "I can't do that!", shouted Moe. "Of course you can. These women are HOT! You have to satisfy them, or else", Frank advised. "Or else what?", Moe asked. "They'll kill you and cook you and eat you my friend", replied Frank. "You've got to get me out of here!", Moe pleaded. "I can't do that friend", said Frank. "It's a two seater airplane and we are about to load it up with rare plants that are to be used to cure Alzheimer disease. We can't jeopardize the mission", Frank informed him. "You don't understand", said Moe. "I've never had sex before, especially with a woman", explained Moe. "You're a VIRGIN?", Frank asked. "Yes, and besides that, I'm gay.", Moe replied. "Oh boy, you are in deep shit pal", Frank blurted. "You gotta HELP ME!", Moe begged. "I have something that I think may help you out of this jam", whispered Frank. "What?" asked Moe. Frank reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of blue pills. "It's Viagra my friend!", quipped Frank. "You take a couple of these and you'll be able to do the entire tribe", Frank said. "Believe me, I know. I've done all these ladies thanks to these little blue pills", he told Moe. "But.....I'm GAY!", Moe cried. "Well think of some dude while you're doing up these horny native chicks.", Frank advised. "We have to be off friend. Just enjoy it." added Frank. He stuffed five pills in Moe's sock and then turned away. Down the path the two men went. Moe was left in a state of panic. Would this be the end for Moe? Could Moe rise to the occasion or would he end in a real stew? Find out in the next installment of The Pucking Files.

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