Friday, December 10, 2010

Blue is NOT going away!

Welcome to the first issue of The Pucking Files. The last twenty four hours has been special  to say the least. The big story; Thursday Night Hockey saw a desparate Blue squad pull out a come-from-behind win over rival Green in a much needed victory that may have ultimately saved the franchise which was rumored to be moving to St. Louis.  Rumors were swirling about the Capitol City that Bud Lite was thinking of relocating Blue to St. Louis but there HUGE come-from-behind victory has gotten the much maligned Blue squad back in the playoff hunt and back in the good graces of the Capitol City hockey faithful. "Blue is not going anywhere but to the finals" said a spokesman for Bud Lite. Prolific goal scorer Dunc Walsh finally ended his scoring drought with a brilliantly placed shot that eluded Green's goaltender who was sitting on the bench at the time.
The bigger story; The 1883 Black Ice Hockey Tournament got a black eye today when two of Concord's favorite sons were arrested for skating on the black ice of White's Park before park officials made it official to skate. Mike Farrelly (of hockey's famed Farrelly brothers) and Mark Ruddy (of hockey's famed Rudz brothers) were arrested and beaten by Concord police today after skating on White's Park historic pond on ice they claimed to be "five to six inches thick". A White's Park official claimed that he yelled from the comfort of his warm and cozy chair through an open window to the two alledged violaters, but Farrelly and Ruddy said that it sounded like Tommy "Kite" Wright yelling inaudible curses through a bull horn full of saliva. When an officer arrived on the scene he told the two to get off the ice which they immediately did. While the two unsuspecting skaters were sitting down taking off their ice skates, the officer grabbed one of their hockey sticks ( an old style wooden Wilson stick with a straight blade that read "PSC Hustler Award"  and began beating the two senseless. When Ruddy came to he was being loaded into a patty wagon where he noticed Farrelly still unconscious on the floor of the vehicle. He recalled the officer ranting " you two are banned from skating on this pond for the rest of the year!"  This brings up the issue of whether the two are now prohibited from playing in the much anticipated 1883 Black Ice Pond Ice Tournament.  It has been rumored that the mayor of Berlin has "paid off" a White Park official to set this up in order to hamper Concord's chances of winning the tournament. A spokesperson for the park refused to speak with us on the subject. Ruddy and Farrelly have hired the controversial law firm of Luker, Moffet and McCloughlin to represent them in court. Stay tuned. 

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