Friday, December 17, 2010

Blue Lights up Green like a Christmas Tree!

Last night at a sold out Everett Arena the rise of Blue became even more evident as they scorched a stunned Green squad. Behind the stellar goaltending of Brian "Smitty" Smith, Blue was in control from the opening drop of the puck. Many wondered if Smitty's best days were a thing of the past, but he proved the critics wrong by putting up a brick wall that frustrated Green all night long. The long awaited return of Dave "Tilly" Tilitson from a league suspension was just what Blue needed to fire up the team. Centering a line with Brownie and Philby, they seemed to score at will on a deflated and often flat footed Green defense. After the game, Tilly told reporters that he was "sorry" about the ugly incident that earned him a lengthy suspension and he would stick to "good clean hockey from here on in". "We'll see about that", said one skeptic who asked not to be named. Blue is now just one point out of a playoff spot, which less than a month ago seemed like an impossible hill to climb. Smitty was given the "Game Chair" in the locker room after the tilt, but he remained humble when he told reporters, " It was easy playing goal when you have everyone playing the system and doing their job". That system was implemented by the Crimson Tide coaching staff most of whom were present last night. Jeff "Kano" Kane said, "It's basically the same system used by NEC except that we execute it at a much faster pace". Missing from the stands last night was GM Gary "Toe" Blake who left after last weeks Green loss to "make some deals" to bolster a crumbling Green team. We shall see next week if Blakey was able to make any significant moves.
Last week's devastating news of the arrest of Mike Farrelly and my brother Mark was just the first of a series of events that seems to be aimed at stopping Concord from winning the 1883 Black Ice Tourament. Twenty four hours after the "White's Pond Duo" was jailed after being set up by park's commissioner Charles Cole Grill, another devasting blow hit the Capitol City hockey faithful who were stunned to hear the news that "The Commish" had suffered a season ending broken leg. Phil "the Commish" Stuart underwent surgery yesterday to insert a titanium rod in his leg that was broken while skating on the pond at Blossom Hill (no relation to Leebo who played a BC) Cemetary. The Commish was planning to workout on White's Pond but when he learned of the arrest of the White's Pond Duo he changed his plan and went to skate where he thought he would be out of the watchful eye of Charles Cole Grill and his henchmen (a.k.a the Capitol City PD). However, an insider leaked the news to Grill who had a stick strategically placed on the Blossom Hill pond. The Thursday Night crew took the news hard. Green seemed lost without the Commish whom a teammate referred to as "a premier power forward".  There was a moment of silence before the game last night as players and fans alike reflected on the stellar career of the Commish who is truely beloved in the Capitol City. A long time journeyman in the Capitol City league, Stuart finally got the call up to the Bigs and quickly showed that he was capable of playing the high tempo game of Thursday Night. Stuart vowed that he will return next season and he would be cheering on Cheers at the upcoming Black Ice Tournament.
Absent from last night's game was one half of the notorious "White's Pond Duo". Mike Farrelly was unable to make bail and was still behind bars when the puck dropped on Thursday Night. Due to some nifty legal work by Luker, Moffett and McGloughlin over the past few days, Rudz was released in time to suit up for the game. Why was Farrelly unable to do the same?  Instead of retaining the services of LM&M whose controversial law practices have often made headlines, Farrelly decided to go with the more established law firm of Dewey, Cheetam and Howe. "Big Mistake" said Farrelly's older brother Joe. "Look where it got him". Also missing last night was Gregg Moffett who stayed out of the line up in order to do the necessary paper work to keep Rudz out of jail and on the ice. It has been rumored that LM&M is arranging a pardon from the Governor who is a huge hockey fan and takes time out from his busy schedule every friday to check his blackberry for the run down on Thursday Night Hockey.
Will Gary Toe Blake pull the trigger on a deal to get Green back on track? Will the Commish sue the city for damages? Will the Governor come through with a Pardon for the White's Pond Duo before the Black Ice tournament? Stay tuned hockey fans!

1 comment:

  1. coincidence that greens trouble started the week after the Kaisers "VIP" x-mas party?
