Friday, December 31, 2010

Green Back on Track (with Jack?)

Green finally put a halt to their skid by getting back into the win column last night at a sold out Everett Arena. Gary "Toe" Blake worked hard all week trying to get some deals done to help right a sinking Green ship and his effort paid off. He finally resolved a contract issue with Todd "Philby" Philbrick who has missed much of the season as a hold out and Blakey also added Clint "Eastwood" Casavaugh and the two paid dividends right away by lighting the lamp often and keeping Blue back on their heels. The trade that went under the radar however was bringing in Jack "O'Callahan" Fraiser to bolster the defense. Jack stiffled the Tilly line much of the night and got them off of their game. "He made my job a LOT easier", said Green goaltender Kenny Dean.
"It was a great night for Capitol City hockey fans", said Tommy "Berg" Bergo. "I felt the excitement building when I pulled into the arena parking lot. The lot was full and it was only the preliminary game and I knew by the time Blue and Green took the ice "The Ev" was going to be rocking", he added. Fans were treated to a great warm up event. The Concord High Crimson Tide sent 71 shots on Bishop Brady's goaltender who turned away all but two and despite the Tide's domination of much of the two overtime periods, it came down to a shoot out where  Concord High ended up on the losing end. As one Crimson Tide fan put it, " Thank god that Blue and Green are  playing next otherwise I'd probably be depressed."
The other story last night  was the return of Mike "Ogie Ogalthorpe" Farrelly to the ice after serving several weeks in the "Big House" for his part in the "White's Park" fiasco that has created quite the buzz around the Capitol City. "My time in the Big House has made me appreciate what we have here on Thursday Night", Farrelly said. Farrelly stepped up his game and kept Blue in the contest by finding the back of the net several times and setting up several other Blue goals. "Playing on Thursday Night toughened me up so serving time wasn't anything that I wasn't already used to. You learn how to take a beating on Thursday Nights and not whine about it" , Farrelly added.
Most of the Thursday Nighters will take friday off to get some well earned rest before travelling to the south end for the Winter Classic on Philby Field. Philby said that ice conditions are good and despite weather predictions of rain, he said, "The games must go on!" Happy New Year" to the entire Thursday Night crew and to their families who stand behind them. 2011 is shaping up to be a good one with the upcoming 1883 Black Ice Pond Hockey Championships brought to you by Black Ice Ale "the Breakfast of Champions". Also fans can count on another great Thursday Night playoffs starting in feburary sponsored by Bud Lite and Heiniken. Happy New Year hockey fans!

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