Monday, March 28, 2011

Bud Lightening Almost Burns Down the Carnival!

It took OT to decide the fate of Bud Lightening as they came close to winning the Michalob Division championship in just they're first season. Kudos to Jim "Hazy" Hayes for putting together a squad of young, unseasoned veterans who were mature beyond their years. "I'm so proud of these kids. They played with the composure and speed of players much older", said Hazy. "Nobody gave us chance and we proved that although we're relatively young, we're not inexperienced", said Dan "Lucky" Luker (who was the third highest scorer on his line). "The age of the earth is billions of years old and man has only been on it for a short period of time", he added. "I got a chance to skate on Thursday Night a few times this season,so playing in the Michalob division seemed more like Mich Ultra which Philby calls "V-beer", said Greg "Hernia" Fournier. "This was the highest level of hockey that I've played since last thursday", said Jeff "Kano" Kane. The Bud Lightening were undefeated going into sunday's tilt. Backstopper Kenny "Don't You Love Her Madley" Bradley was outstanding making 87 saves in the tourney including stopping a penalty shot in the final game. His performance earned him the Conn Dumb award for preventing goals and unwanted pregnancy. Jim "Cummy" Commorford was the top point getter and brother Mike lead the team in goals. George Chase led the team in dump ins and Tom Painchaud was a tournament high plus 8. His defensive partner Dave Jack was a minus 9. Johnny "Pie" Marchand was cut up into sections and served hot with a scope of vanilla ice cream after the tournament. "It goes great with a Bud!", said Tom "Berg" Bergault. Mike "Cummy" Commoford turned down all food after the tournament saying, "I ate WAY TOO MUCH cotton candy before I got on the ferris wheel on saturday. Cummy puked off the ferris wheel and was given a two minute unsportmanlike penalty. " I tried to convince him to get in the van and head back to Concord", said brother Jim, "but he was like a little kid and kept asking for more money because he was all jacked up on cotton candy." "We think that if Mike hadn't have gone to the carnival, we probably would have won the tournament", added Hazy. "It was a great tournament AND I gave up smoking", said Gregg "Hernia" Fournier. The Bud Lightening will be back next season and perhaps face the Budmen in the finals since the tournament organizers have mandated that they move to the Michalob division after their sub par performance. Well, that's it from The Pucking Files for now. Look for the Individual Awards for Thursday Night to be posted in the next issue following this week's awards dinner at the Gas Lighter.

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