Friday, March 4, 2011

Green Spanks Blue in Game 3

It didn't take long for Green to take the lead in game three. Just six seconds into the game Jim "Cummy" Commoford (awarded the game chair for his four goals) put Green on the scoreboard and Green never looked back. The rockus Blue crowd at the Ev was silenced by a barrage of goals by Green and it was so quiet in the arena that you would have thought Blakey was the only one in the crowd. By the end of the first period it was five to nil. Solid netminding by Kenny B. kept any chances of a Blue comeback at bay. Blue's frustration was capped off by a penalty shot awarded to Green speedster Andy "BTO" Bauchman. After Rudz turned the puck over with an ill-advised pass, "BTO" put it in "overdrive" and headed off to the races. Dunc "Coach" Walsh who was moved back to defense to try and shore up a leaky Blue defense corp had no chance of catching the speedy winger, so he did what he had to do; hooked him. Referee Phil Lacasse who was reinstated by league officials after looking into allegations that he was drinking before games awarded Green the penalty shot. Andy fooled Blue goalie Tom "Harry" Harrison with a change-up shot that completely schooled Harry. Blue had a chance to get back in the game with under a minute to play when Rudz missed a wide open goal that would have pulled Blue within eight and made the last ten seconds into a real nail biter. "We definitely missed our captain last night", said Jack "Jackhammer" Fraiser referring to Joe "Joe" Farrelly who was out with a foot injury that was a resualt of a slapshot he took last week that shattered the skate of George "Dumpin" Chase and the aftershock from the blast was felt even by Farrelly himself who said that he had trouble skating after that. Team doctor Rich Rosatto said, "Our bodies are not built to withstand that kind of pressure. Nobody should shoot a puck that hard and expect that people won't get hurt".
Green now takes a crucial lead in the series and Blue is going to have regroup for game four. We have to be ready from the opening face off said Todd "Philby" Philbrick. "If we don't do a better job in game four we may find ourselves at Sunday meetings sooner than we'd like."

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