Friday, February 25, 2011

Blue by Two; Series All Even

Tempers ran high in game 2 last night at The Doug as Blue got a much needed road win to knot the series at two. It was back and forth all night with lead changes multiple times but Blue rallied to pull out a 9-7 victory which left the Green faithful booing the Blue players as well as head referee Phil Lacasse who heard the chants all night of "Ray Charles" referencing the blind musician. "It was ugly at times", said Jim "Hazy" Hayes who was picked up at the trade deadline for his veteren leadership, "but the main thing is that we got the win".Goalie Tom "Harry" Harrison was beside himself after the loss and stormed out of the locker room and declined an interview while allegedly shoving a camera man. No charges were filed however. One of his teammates defended Harry saying, "Harry is going in for surgery on friday and that was added pressure to an already pressure-filled playoff atmosphere". Team doctor Rich Rosatto said surgeons would be cutting the hair across Harry's ass, butt, it was routine surgery and nothing to worry about. "We don't expect he will be out for game 3. Tom "TC" Carroll had a hot hand last night and reclaimed the scoring lead, but it wasn't enough to help Green get a strangle hold on the series. Mike "Oagie Ogalthorpe" Farrelly was released on bail and was back in the lineup last night. The game got rough and referee Lacasse almost lost control of the contest. It was reported that he was drinking before the game. This report was not confirmed however and may be just hear-say. Greg "Hernia" Fournier took a monster hit along the boards that sent his stick flying 300 ft. in the air which landed one fan in the ER. Blue jumped out to early two goal lead, but Green fought back and tied it up just before the period ended. Midway through the game, the line of TC, Shemp and Tilly scored three quick goals and gave Green the lead. Blue didn't lose faith and battled back. Joe "Joe" Farrelly registered an assist after firing a blistering slap shot that shattered the toe of George "Dumpin" Chase's skate and deflected onto the stick of Jim "Heathy" Heath who made a nifty pass across the goal mouth to Tom "Philby" Philbrick who buried the puck in the back of the net. Chase said afterwards, "I'm lucky to be alive!" Farrelly scored earlier in game, unfortunately it was on his own goalie.
Dunc "Coach" Walsh ended his scoring drought with a goal and an assist.He almost made it a Gordie Howe hat trick when he and Tilly nearly dropped the gloves. Things got ugly at the end as Harry lashed out at referee Lacasse as well as a few of the Blue players. Both teams argued the calls. TC said, "It's a different game without the blue lines", referring to several missed off side calls. Blue was up on the bench ranting about a Too Many Men on the Ice call that went unseen. The replay clearly showed that Green had seven players out there. "The reffing was bad for both teams", said Dan "Lucky" Luker, "we have to put it behind us and focus on game 3". You can bet the Blue crowd will be noisy for game 3. They'll be putting on the foil! With the series all even, it is more than likely to go five (again). "I think it's THE greatest rivalry in sports", said Philby. That is a NO BRAINER!

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