Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Inside The Pucking Files

As the Thursday Night hockey season is winding down, you may find it hard to believe we are well entrenched in the FINALS. Where did the time go? What will we do for the spring and summer?
(Actually, training camp starts August 1rst.) What about The Pucking Files? Do I have to wait until September to start reading The Pucking Files? The answer is:  NO YOU DON'T!  Me and my staff are committed to you the followers of The Pucking Files. We will be bringing you the stories all year long. Find out what your favorite Thursday Night Stars do in the off season. Keep abreast (yes, I said, " a breast") with the lastest developments for the 2012 Black Ice Pond Hockey Championships; Find out the truths and lies behind trade rumors and contract arbitration; See inside the world of The Pucking Files! I'll be bringing you coverage of the Stanely Cup playoffs, NH High School Hockey and Sunday Meetings. We will even take you into the Doug to witness the pagentry of The Cat Show, The Craft Show, The Gun Show and even the Model Train Show. So if you need a fix of hockey all year long, just grab a coldy and log onto........ The Pucking Files. If you need more good memories of the hockey season then you're in luck because the new book "Pond of Dreams" is now available. Relive the wonderment of The 1883 Black Ice Pond Hockey Championship inaugural season. You don't have to worry if you're a slow reader; it's mostly pictures! It is available in hardcover for $40. or softcover for $30. AND, if you become a FOLLOWER of The Pucking Files you will get a $2. discount. All proceeds from the sale of "Pond of Dreams" will go towards paying my brothers fine in the upcoming April 18th trial of The White's Pond Duo. If found "NOT Guilty" then all the proceeds will be donated to The Boys & Girls Club of Concord on behalf of The 1883 Pond Hockey Championship.      Yours truely, Rudzbro

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