Friday, February 4, 2011

Thursday Night Limps Back Into Action

With many of the Thursday Night greats still nursing sore backs, pulled groins and hangovers, the Thursday Night season resumed on life support. Playing 8 on 8, Green resumed it's dominance over Blue last night. The boys from Capitol City Diner may have spent too much time celebrating their Black Ice championship because they could not pull out any of the magic that followed them throughout last weekend's tournament. They were important last weekend but they were impotant last night. The return of Tom "Harry" Harrison was marked by his John McEnroe like tantrum in which Harry's goal stick was reduced to kinling. Johnny on the spot Heathy handed Harry a defenseman's stick and Harry backstopped Green for the remainder of the tilt. Joe "Joe" Farrelly said of Harry's performance, "He played like Eddie Giacomin once Heathy gave him the stick". Harry will have to make a trip to Everett sports for some new lumber. To all you Black Icers: GET WELL SOON!
FYI: Brownie has booked a huge half time show for next year's 1883 Black Ice Championship. It is reported that the musical guests will be The Black Ice Peas.

Wow! Now that's entertainment!

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