Friday, February 11, 2011

Blue Victory Gets Them Into Playoffs

Last night the Everett Arena crowd saw Blue get an important victory to guarentee them a spot in the playoffs. Unfortunately, they grabbed the final playoff spot and will have to face first place Green. Last night also marked the return of veteren blueliner Greg "Hernia" Fournier (pictured back row right). Hernia had retired, but his recent association with the Black Ice Pond Hockey Championships had him believing he might have a few years left in his old warhorse body. It was rumored that Fournier had this planned all along and that his only interest was to be playing in the meaningful games at playoff time. He is a proven playoff performer and has been referred to as "Captain Clutch", Mr. March, Mr.Playoffs, Mr.Rogers and Dr. Dolittle. The Philbrick Brothers led the attack for their respective teams but stellar goaltending by Brian "Smitty" Smith gave Blue the victory. Smitty had Tom "TC" Carroll stonewalled all night. "I couldn't seem to solve the Smitty puzzle", TC said. "It's frustrating because you want to help your team, but it just wasn't my night". TC still leads the league in goals but barely. Next week is when things should really heat up. Gary "Toe" Blake is trying to make a deal before wednesday's trade deadline. Get there early next thursday because it will be standing room only.

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