Monday, March 7, 2011

Plot to Stop Black Ice Tourney Disclosed!

A reporter working for The Pucking Files has uncovered an FBI report that reveals evidence withhled from the public about an assassination attempt on Chris "Brownie' Brown's life the night before the Black Ice Tournament. The report said that shots were fired at Mr. Brown while he sat in the command center at White's Park just about ten hours prior to the start of the Black Ice tournament. The would-be assassin had been keeping a close eye on his target because he found the opportune moment when Mr. Brown was seperated from his entourage who were gathered in an adjacent RV trailer conducting a taste test of the newly released Black Ice Ale. The bullets missed Mr. Brown by mere inches. The noise level in the RV was high enough as to drown out the sound of the gunshots. In the report the FBI in conjunction with the CIA have followed leads that may link the assassination plot to a terrorist group that targeted the tournament because of its symbolic identification with USA Hockey. The group believed to be responsible is a Canadien cell with ties to the middle east as well as the far west and the deep south. Although no arrests have been made at this point, CIA and FBI agents are linking the shooting to this man (pictured). Hassan Bin Sobar is believed to be operating out of a mosque on Gilmore Street. The radical cleric has been holding "meetings" at the mosque for several years now. The mosque is located only a block from the site of the dog fighting ring that had made the news late last year. No connection has been made between the two sites. The report goes on to say that although agents have questioned Hassam Bin Sobar several times,

there is not enough evidence to arrest him at this time. We will reveal more on this case as it becomes available to us at The Pucking Files. If you have any information regarding this crime please call or email The Pucking Files. All calls will be kept confidential.

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