Thursday, January 12, 2012

Blue and Green Rock the Vote

Following his victory in New Hampshire, presidential hopeful Mitt "Glove" Romney took time to relax and enjoy some Thursday Night Hockey at the Doug. He was joined by Mike Eruzione who is hoping to get a try out with Green. In between periods Romney was visited by Vice President Biden who told Romeny to, "Keep your head up kid or your going to end up sharing a room with "Cummy" in the ER." After watching the game, Romney told reporters, "Wow, and I thought I had a hard fought campaign! These guys out on the ice for Blue and Green leave it all out on the ice."
With the Black Ice Pond Hockey Tournament just a few weeks away, the Capitol City is gearing up for the onslaught of tourist expected to visit Concord for the tournament. It is difficult to find a hotel room anywhere within a thirty mile radius of White's Park. Three thousand barrels of Black Ice Ale have been distributed to restaurants and pubs in the Capital City.
This year a larger player's tent will be occupying White St. to serve as the locker room for a lot more teams. The women's defending champions "the Newts" aren't concerned about a lack of privacy in the tent. Their star player, Russian born Ivana Getchuov said, "I don't mind the lack of privacy. I think guys who play hockey are really nice. Some offer to help me put on my equipment and others help me take it off". Take it off Ivana, take it all off! Look for Ivana to be a real motivating force at the tournament this year.

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