Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Getting to the Bottom of It

Reports of an alien spacecraft at the bottom of White Park Pond has been confirmed. An inside source for The Pucking Files overheard a rumor while attending the snowmobile races on Turkey Pond this past sunday (see photo below). A man who has asked not to be named told us that he heard from city employee "Kite" Wright that a UFO had crashed into White's Park pond in early december. The Feds had approached city officals in Concord and asked that they keep the pond closed until the investigation can be thoroughly completed. An ice skater on Turkey Pond also told us a story about a UFO sighting that she had witnessed while canoeing one evening in early december. She said, "The UFO appeared to go down somewhere over there", pointing in the direction of White Park.

The Pucking Files has managed to obtain this photo (below) which validates the story. We showed the photo to "Mr. Kite" who told us that he had once seen a spaceman when he was back in high school and "it looked a lot like the one in this photo".
So, there you have it. Mystery solved.

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