Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fitchburg Follies

Going into game three the Budmen are looking to stay undefeated and Team Bud Light is searching for it's first win. Both teams managed only ties in game 2 and game three has become pivotal for the Budmen and not so pivotal for Bud Light. The difference between the two is that Bud Light is just trying to "keep abreast" with their opponents.

"It's not how many Bud Lights that you drink; it's how you drink em", said veteran defenseman Greg "Hernia" Fournier. The beer girls that are serving the Bud Light locker room may be TOO GOOD at what they do. "It is hard to stay focused", complained Andy "BTO" Bachmann. Meanwhile, the Budmen have been "slicing" through their opponents. As the hidden "Kaiser Cam" shows that there is a correlation between pizza and soft hands.

TC explains to Dunc how pizza has helped his game tremendously. Dunc "Coach" Walsh blamed the pepperoni for setting him off in game 2. He went after the opposition's "tough guy". "He doesn't back down from anyone regardless of their age", said Todd "Philby" Philbrick. "That guy may have been in his mid seventies, but he was taking liberties with our team. I was just trying to create a little room for my linemates", said Walsh. "That guy was meaner than Barney Colgan even though he was a little older than Barn", said Joe "Joe" Farrelly. Dunc had been fired from a job at Harris Hill Nursing Home before he got into coaching. Apparently he was too rough on the patients.
The only highlight for Bud Light besides the beer girls was Jim "Cummy" Commerford's highlight reel goal when he went top shelf where Mama hides the beer. "I taught him that when we were kids playing street hockey", said younger brother Mike. "I only saw him do that with a Mylec street hockey ball. I didn't think he could do that with a puck", he added. Stay tuned for the final results of the Fitchburg Tourney coming up on monday's edition of The Pucking Files.

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