Monday, March 26, 2012

The Road to Fitchburg Takes Many Turns

There are a number of ways to get to and from Fitchburg, but, you can never return from there the same way you arrived. The Fitchburg tourney is for some "the spring break of middle age hockey players" and for others it is their swan song. Fitchburg can eat you up and spit you out as has been the way for so many who have braved the journey. Most of us will only know Fitchburg by the songs, poems and stories that have made their way into hockey lore. It has made legends of some and ruined others. You don't want to make that journey unless you are prepared. The only way to prepare for something that grueling is to jump into the fire of Thursday Night Hockey week in and week out until you are tempered like steel. Then and only then can one ever hope to survive the road that leads to Fitchburg.
For the Budmen; it was ever so close. They could taste victory as they made their final journey on sunday morning. In the end though, they fell two goals short of achieving hockey immortality. They drove away with their heads held high up through the sun roof. They received awards for "Most Eco Friendly" for their car-pooling and showering. They shared a shower with non other than the Blues Brothers who were playing a show at the Wallace Civic Center.

For Team Bud Light; they never actually found Fitchburg. It is rumored that they ended up in Leominster. The ship captain Jim "Purple" Haze blamed himself for running the ship aground. He gave his equipment away to the crew to eat since they had run out of food. He saved only his garter belt which he ate when he reached the NH border. Hazy sent in his assessment of the voyage along with his letter of resignation. He has been replaced by Tom "Painch" Painchaud of Thursday Night Hockey. Painch is currently recovering from a triple knee replacement.
In other related stories that took place this weekend: The Turkey Pond Flyers were honored by the Manchester Monarchs. The Monarchs wore Turkey Pond Flyers jerserys and Steve Arndt dropped the ceremonial first puck. The team enjoyed the evening hanging out in the luxury suite with Max the Monarch's mascot. Ryan Brandt and Dan Lucker were not able to attend the festivities due to a previous committment with Team Bud Light. Dave "Tilly" Tillotson and Bruce Gillies filled in for "Silky" and "Lucky".
In the end however, none of this matters......if you don't win game eight. Game eight is only six months away so.........START THINKING ABOUT IT.

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