Friday, October 14, 2011

As Concord Tasted, Green Gets Pasted

Last week after Green trounced Blue, head coach John "Stuffy" Stevenson made his Blue squad stay on the ice and skate sprints until the wee hours of the morning. They obviously got the message and last night they scorched defending champs Green behind the stellar goaltending from Kenny "Rebel without a Rebound" Dean.

Stevenson made some adjustments to his line-up by sitting some veteran players in favor of young legs which he believed would revitalize Blue. It paid off. "We have high expectations for some of these kids, so why not let them show us what they can do", said Stuffy. "We were really impressed with youngsters Ryan Brandt and Phil Stuart who brought some energy to a deflated Blue offense that last week was held to just one goal". "No one is a lock to stay up with the big club." "Some of these veteran players need to refocus or hang em up", he added. One veteran who didn't disappoint was Tom "TC" Carroll who found the back of the net early and often. "When you know you have a focused goalie back there you tend to have the confidence to take some chances on offense", TC told reporters. Dean had a shut out going until midway through the third period when George "Dumpin" Chase finally got Green on the board. Minutes later Dan "Unlucky" Luker hit the goal post for the tenth time in the game. Last season Luker led the league in goal posts and managed to find the back of the twine only once the entire season. "The pace of last night's game was extremely fast", said referee Phil Lacasse. It was a treat for the many fans who were finally able to get some tickets due in part to the Taste of Concord event in downtown Concord. The game was also broadcast on Hockey Night in Canada. In the early game of the double header Yellow defeated Red and showed why they may be coming on to challenge Blue and Green later in the season. Next week The Pucking Files will announce the names of the five inductees for the Legends of Thursday Night Hall of Fame on October 27th.

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