Friday, October 21, 2011

Blue Nips Green 9-8

If you found it difficult to get through traffic in the Capitol City yesterday, you weren't alone. Traffic was tied up all over town as fans clamored to get to the Doug to see the premier match up which featured defending champs Green and arch rivals Blue. The fans were treated to an old fashioned "barn burner" as Blue upset the reigning champs 9 to 8. "Wow! That was the best hockey game I have seen since game seven of the 1972 Stanley Cup finals", said vice prez Joe Biden who made the trip up to Concord on Air Force One along with Mike Eurizone as special guest to billionaire publisher Moe Rudz. Eurizone is rumored to be making a run at the presidency in 2012 and Biden offered his support. "Obama is more of a basketball guy and with the NBA lockout looming, I thought I'd switch to the Mucker and Grinder Party", said Joe "Joe" Biden.

The game was a chess match at break-neck speed. Back and forth Blue and Green traded scoring opportunities. Dunc "Coach" Walsh opened the scoring for Blue in the first period, but it was quickly answered by Green's Tom "Shemp" Champagne (the other TC). The Kenny's had all they could do to keep the score in single digits as both squads were moving the puck up and down the Doug all night long. Last night marked the return of Chris "Brownie" Brown and Jeff "Kano" Kane. Both players went to arbitration and were awarded new contracts. Neither player showed any signs of rust OR corrosion. The game was tied 8 to 8 with one minute to play in regulation when Dunc "Coach" Walsh was fed a nifty pass in the slot and one-timed a "slappa" past shell shocked net minder Kenny "Rebel Without a Save" Dean which iced the game for Blue. The goal gave Walsh the hat trick to go along with his "five assists". His line mates Dave "Tilly" Tillotson had "four goals and four assists" and Rich "Doc" Rosoto had "two goals and ten assists". "It was a huge road win for us", said Jim "Cummy" Commorford. "I was pleased with my teams effort", said Coach "Stuffy" Stevenson. "They are well conditioned and it paid off in the third period". Green coach "Toe" Blake was reserved in his appraisal of the Blue victory. "They were o.k. but, we just weren't playing up to our capabilities", he lamented. "MEOW!" This could turn into a dawg-fight as the season wears on. Blue is now in first place and Green is tied with Yellow for second.

LEGENDS OF HOCKEY MONTH continues this month as tickets sales reached an all-time high for this months INDUCTION CEREMONIES. On October 30th at 11:30 at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord, the Legends of NH Hockey will welcome Ryan "Never Say Can't" Brandt and Dunc "Coach" Walsh into the Hall. On Thursday October 27th the LEGENDS OF THURSDAY NIGHT HOCKEY will induct six new members into their Hall. The announcement was made last night on the new jumbotron scoreboard to a roaring approval by the crowd. Five in the "players" category and one in the "builders" category. The six inductees are as follows: Dave "Tilly" Tillotson, Greg "Hernia' Fournier, George "Dumpin" Chase, Jim "Heathy" Heath, Kurt "Kaiser" Gillies and in the builder category Joe "Joe" Farrelly. A panel of hockey writers announced their choices. The panel included such names as Ernest "How Much Does A" Hemmingway, Barry Smelltoes, Roy "Lame" Duckler, Jimmy "The Geek", Moe Rudz and Dr."Cat in the Hat Trick" Suess just to name a few. "We look at everything, not just the stats", said Smelltoes. "These guys have all put up huge numbers over the years AND they have done a lot to give back to the community", he added. The ceremony will take place immediately following next Thursday's rematch between Blue and Green. It is rumored that President Obama will attend to present the awards, but, the White refused to verify this. Be sure to read the Pucking Files for this wednesday's special edition of "Legends" where we will profile the inductees.

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