Friday, October 28, 2011

Green Snatches Win on Legendary Night

Last night was special at the Doug not only because Green halted a Blue comeback with a late goal to skate away with the victory to the delight of the Green faithful, however, the crowd was there to also honor the first class of the Legends of Thursday Night Hockey Hall of Fame. The mood was festive as the fans chanted the word "LEGENDS!" over and over throughout the evening's post game ceremony. It also featured the return of Legendary d-man Jim "Heathy" Heath who played brilliantly for Blue with little signs of rust (except that one time). The game featured brilliant goaltending at both ends of the ice. Both teams started goalies called up from the CCHL, Andy Moog for Green and Gump Wobbly for Blue. League leading scorer "Tilly" Tillotson and line mates Dunc "Coach" Walsh and Clint "Eastwood" Casavaugh fired at Moog all evening and managed to beat him only occasionally. Forrest Gump was a bit shaky at the start but managed to get shakier as the game progressed. Green got up by three goals, yet Blue stormed back in the third period as "Shemp" Champagne found the back of the net several times. It looked like all the momentum had swung in Blue's favor, but with less than two minutes to go Mark Rudz scored the game winner on a laser shot that no goalie could have stopped (including Harry who remains stranded in Australia after the sinking of the Duke of Lancaster). However, the big story of the night was the induction of Legends "Joe" Farrelly, "Heathy" Heath, "Dumpin" Chase, "Tilly" Tillotson, "Hernia" Fournier and "Kaiser" Gillies who was unable to attend because he was playing nursemaid to Mr. Ed. Billionaire publishing magnet Moe Rudz sent his congratulations from Palm Beach where he was meeting with Saudi Arabia's Prince Abdula and Hassan Bin Sobar. After watching the acceptance speeches on a live podcast, Moe said, "No matter what happens to these guys, they will always be able to hold their heads high and say, "I am a Legend of Thursday Night".

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