Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hell Freezes Over!

Some players in the CCHL are old enough to remember Al Michael's most famous Q&A, "Do you believe in miracles?" "Yes!" Thirty two years later people who care about the CCHL are asking the same question and getting the same answer. "The Miracle on Loundon Road" is what they are calling it and it happened on monday night at the Doug. It was a match up like David vs. Goliath. Undefeated Buffalo Wild Wings versus a six man Cimo's squad that hadn't tasted victory yet this season. Biologist say that when a badger is hungry, it will not be denied.
One player who is old enough to remember Michael's famous call is Cimo's own Tom "Badger" Carroll. He scored six goals for Cimo's while teammate Jake "Shady" Curtain added two more to help lead Cimo's into the win column and give B2W it's first loss this season. Cimo's held a 10-5 lead with 5 minutes to play, however, no lead is ever safe in the CCHL. Led by league goal scoring leader Clint "The Edge" Edinger who scored four and Shayne "In The Membrane" LeBreton registering two lamp lighters B2W roared back to make the score 10-9 as time ran out. When asked by reporters if he believed in miracles, "The Badger" answered, "No, not really. I believe in soft hands and bad defenses. Well, I do believe in Santa Claus". Like Old Saint Nick, Carroll delivers presents to Cimo's fans.
On tuesday night it was second place Windmill against third place Cheers. The Mills Travis "Gang Bang" Banga scored four goals but, Cheer's Tim "The Timinator" Walsh had four goals of his own. Windmill's captain Gavin "You Betcha" Faretra moved to defensive in order to try and slow down "The Cockroach", Corey Laroche. The strategy paid off as Laroche was held off the scoresheet. Windmill netminder Mark Crowley made 44 saves to help The Mill defeat Cheers 7-6.
CCHl Standings
1. B2W 7-1-0
2. Windmill 5-3-0
3. Cheers 4-5-0
4. Cimo's 1-8-0
Goal Scoring Leaders
1. Edinger 19
2. Carroll 17
3. Caron 17
4. Laroche 15
5. Acres 15

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