Friday, November 2, 2012

Proposition 99 on the Ballot

With just days to go before the election, Capital City officials met with NAHL president Paul "Pop" Gozaweizle to amend the ballot to include the controversial Proposition 99 that proposes to end tie games in the NAHL with a five minute sudden death overtime period. After last nights 8 to 8 tie between Blue and Green the push to settle games with OT seems even more urgent. Gozaweizle told reporters, "NAHL fans deserve the chance to decide whether or not there should be an opportunity to break a stalemate at the end of regulation. It may be the single most important issue on the ballot this year. This is America and Americans don't like to settle for a tie." Last night's game between Green and Blue left fans begging for more at the final buzzer. The game was like this year's presidential election. It went back and forth all game long with both teams trading scoring opportunities and both goalies playing solid. Neither team likes each other very much and several times referee Phil "The Whistle" Lacasse came dangerously close to letting the game get out of hand. "It was kind of chippy, but not nearly as brutal as the presidential campaign", Lacasse said. With just under three minutes to play and the score all knotted at seven, Blue winger Tom "Shemp" Champagne who leads the league in scoring made a nifty pass into the slot and Phil "Commish" Stuart unleashed a butterfly that fluttered up over the shoulder of Kenny "Rebel Without a Rebound" Dean to give Blue the lead. Green coach Gary "Toe" Blake pulled Dean in favor of an extra attacker. Twice Stuart had the opportunity to ice the game with an empty netter, but he missed the mark and Green seized the chance and headed up the ice as the clock was ticking down.
A Blue defenseman took a chance and pinched at center ice probably tempted by the vacated goal. The decision proved costly as Green sniper Jim "The Big Cum" Commerford found himself alone with the puck on his tape and he made no mistake and buried the rubber behind Blue netminder Kenny "Don't Ya Love Em Madly" Bradly to tie the game with only forty five seconds remaining in regulation. The game ended in a stalemate much to the disappointment of fans that packed The Doug. As the fans exited the arena many were calling for Proposition 99 to be put on the ballot. An emergency meeting was held at City Hall in the wee hours of the morning and an agreement was reached and Proposition 99 WILL be included on this year's ballot. "Let the people decide", said Joe "Joe" Farrelly, his lip all swollen from a high stick. "By the people, for the people". "Isn't that what our founding fathers intended?" explained Tom "Philby" Philbrick who finished the game with a torn acl that he suffered in the first period. He was taken to the locker room where he was given pain killers and returned after missing only a shift. Philby was awarded the third star of the game for his courageous effort. The second star went to his brother Todd "Philby" Philbrick who made his season debut after sitting out the first two months of the season with post-concussion-syndrome. Todd waisted no time getting on the score sheet by lighting the lamp on his first shot of the season. He ended up with the hat trick. The first star of the game went to Jim "The Big Cum" Commerford for his clutch goal that saved the day for Green. "I like the idea of Proposition 99", explained Dave "JP" Palisi to reporters as he sat in the locker room icing his neck from a cross check he received in the second period. "It puts the outcome in the hands of the fans", he added. "The fans deserve a say. It's the American way", touted Tom "TC" Carroll. "Give me liberty or give me sudden death!" exclaimed Ryan "Silky" Brandt. So on tuesday NAHL fans can exercise their God given right to be heard. It doesn't matter if you play right wing or left wing; what matters is that you vote. Every vote counts.

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