Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Captain's Log: Sea of Blue and Green

We have been at sea for two days and all is well. Seas are calm and the wind is flowing easterly which has put us slightly ahead of schedule. Green held a player's meeting on the poop deck to discuss shuffleboard and blackjack. Blue coach Stuffy Stevenson had his players doing wind sprints on the aft deck before going over game film in the conference room. After dinner, both teams got together for a party that was hosted by the Players Union. The player's moral is sky high. Coach Stevenson grumbled that players where "getting along too well". Contrarily, Coach Blake downed a bottle of rum last night and missed the morning meeting where the league officials discussed player conduct towards the European fans in Copenhagen and Brussels.

Tom "Painch" Painchaud and Greg "Hernia" Fournier enjoy the view from the poop deck.

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