Friday, September 23, 2011

Green Machine Invades Europe

Led by their fearless leader Coach "Toe" Blake, the Green Machine has landed on European soil. Just hours before the International Search & Rescue Coalition was to call off the search for anymore survivors from the Duke of Lancaster news arrived that Coach Blake and six of his green players have safely come ashore in Portugal. Portuguese fishing boats reported seeing a strange boat just off the island of Medeira. The Portuguese navy escorted the strange vessel into the harbor where crowds had gathered to witness Team Green arrive on the continent.

President Obama received a phone call from the U.S. Embassy in Portugal that notified him that seven American hockey players had bravely found their way to safety. The President called Blake and his players, "True American Heroes". On national t.v. the President said, " We as Americans need to only look at the example of Gary "Toe" Blake and his crew to see that by never giving up and by using good ol' American ingenuity, resourcefulness and having the courage and will to succeed we can triumph over adversity; including a rat's ass economy." Blake and his crew partied with locals in Medeira until the wee hours of the morning. The names of the six crew members are: Tom "Shemp" Champagne, Gregg "Moose" Moffett, Jack "Jackhammer" Fraiser, Kenny "Don't you love her madly" Bradly, Todd "Philby" Philbrick and Phil "the Commish" Stewart. When Blake was asked if he and the team would be headed back to the States the next day he replied, "Hell No! We have a hockey game to play in Copenhagen and we intend to be there for the drop of the puck. We are going to drive "The Green Machine" up to Denmark as soon we finish a few more bottles of this delicious Medeira wine." You go Toe! The list of the unaccounted for has shrunk to just six, but as the days pass, the odds of finding them grows dim. The names of the six are: The Farrelly Brothers, "Kaiser" Gillies, Mark Rudz, Dunc "Coach" Walsh and Greg "Hernia" Fournier. Anyone with any information that may lead to the rescue of the six will be given two free tickets to a Thursday Night Hockey game at "the Doug" Everett Arena.

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