Thursday, September 15, 2011

Captain's Log: Tale of Two Coaches

After five days at sea, the passengers on the good ship "The Duke of Lancaster" are beginning to notice that the two coaches are looking from opposite ends of the binoculars. All work and no play makes Coach "Stuffy" Stevenson the scourge of the high seas while all play and no work casts Coach Blake into the role of Sponge Bob Square Pants. If Coach Blake is the "Toe" then Coach Stevenson is the "Heel". Toe Blake, last season's winner of "The Bud" for Coach of the Year has been celebrating ever since Green won the Thursday Night championship. "His philosophy is that I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotomy", said Andy "BTO" Bauchmann. "What DO you do with a drunken sailor?", asked Phil "The Commish" Stewart. "Give em another drink",he answered (and a Cuban cigar).

Coach Blake (pictured in photo) is in sharp contrast to Coach Stevenson who has worked his Blue players until they actually ARE blue. "It hasn't been easy or fun", said Brian "Tilly" Tillotson of the famed Tilly brothers "but, we hope it will pay off once the season starts". Not all the Blue players have been so upbeat in their assessment of Coach Stuffy's methods. "He's cruel!" ,exclaimed one player who asked to remain anonymous. "If you step out of line, you pay dearly"

Sprits on board The Duke of Lancaster are mostly upbeat as they cruise across the open waters of the Atlantic although weather forecasters say that the weather could possiblly begin to deteriorate over the next forty eight hours. We here at the Pucking Files will keep you abreast (that's right, I said "a breast") of all the news as it comes in.

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