Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Clinging To Hope: More Survivors Rescued

The U.S. Coast Guard have given more hope to Thursday Night Hockey fans and family members with the rescue of ten more players and one crew member early this morning. Ivan Gerkinov, the head of Seach and Rescue said, "With each passing day the chances of finding survivors becomes more remote and more dire. Our relentless search paid dividends today with the rescue of eleven more survivors." The group that clung to pieces of the wreckage had drifted more than 400 hundred miles south of where it is believed the ship sank. "This does not bode well for others", said Gerkinov, "because the winds and currents are pushing any other possible survivors dangerously close to The Bermuda Triangle AND into shark infested waters". The Coast Guard listed the names of those picked up this morning as follows; Jeff "Kano" Kane, Ryan Brandt, Kenny Dean, Jim "Purple" Haze, Tom "TC" Carroll, Dan "Lucky" Luker, Dr. Rich Rosatto, "The Tilly Brothers, George "Dumpin" Chase and the crew member Ryan Walsh. All were treated for dehydration and were wrapped in blankets and encouraged to drink Bud Light.

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