Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Miracle Swim! Three more survivors.

As fear mounts with each passing hour as to fate of the passengers and crew of the Duke of Lancaster disaster a ray of hope comes ashore. People could not believe their eyes as the figure of a swimmer appeared a few hundred yards off of Rye Beach today. A swimmer walked onto shore and announced that he was a passenger on the Duke of Lancaster which sank more than a thousand miles from Rye.

He told reporters that his name was Dan Early and that he was the former captain of the UNH swim team. Officials from the Guiness Book of World Records say that if the swimmer is telling the truth and is actually Dan Early then he would have shattered a world record for swimming the longest distance AND at a rate so fast that it is likely to stand as one of the greatest feats of human endurance. Dan "Too Late" Early is a well conditioned athlete who plays hockey in what is arguably the greatest league in the world, the Thursday Night Hockey League. Coach John "Stuffy" Stevenson who was rescued yesterday said, "I'm not suprised because Dan has been training hard ever since training camp opened. He's a superb athlete who prides himself on being in top physical condition." The news of "Too Late" Early's feat was followed by more good news as US Coast Guard officials announced they picked up two more survivors in a life boat. Billionaire Publisher Moe Rudz and his first mate Vic Stanfield were brought on board the USS Raging Queen and told rescuers that they survived on nothing but champagne,caviar and rack of lamb. Both are being treated for indigestion. They told authorities that they had seen others swimming but felt that they didn't have enough rations to share, so....... they ignored them.

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