Tuesday, September 27, 2011

To Hell and Back

With Thursday Night Hockey's Opening Night just over a week away and league officials scrambling to plan a memorial service, news arrived this morning that has put the opening night tribute on hold. A cargo ship coming from Liberia picked up two men on a make-shift raft. The two turned out to be none other than Thursday Night's own Greg "Hernia" Fournier and Kurt "Kaiser" Gilles. "They were skin and bone and burned badly from exposure to the sun", said Captain Morgan of the cargo ship Rummey. "They were ranting gibberish about an alien space ship that had abducted their teammate Mark Rudz. I think they are delusional from starvation and exposure" , Morgan told reporters. The two survivors were taken by helicopter to the U.S. Naval Hospital in Annapolis for treatment. Rudz is among the missing. A Navy psychiatrist said that the "alleged UFO abduction" told by the two survivors was probably a way for them to cope with the stress of losing a teammate. The news of the rescue gives hope that the other four missing players could still possibly be alive. The news comes just one week before Germany was to hold an election to replace "the Kaiser".

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